“Breathwork is an umbrella-term describing a wide range of conscious breathing practices that promote awareness, self-regulation and deep personal transformation. Conscious Connected Breathwork serves as a bridge between body, mind and spirit; between the conscious and the subconscious.
Conscious Connected Breathwork allows us to release and resolve emotions, belief systems, stresses and memories which are often inaccessible through the more conventional talking therapies.”
From the International Breathwork Foundation
A variety of Conscious Connected Breathwork schools have evolved from “Rebirthing”; a conscious connected breathing practice originally described by Leonard Orr in the 1970s. With breathwork at their core, they also combine a unique set of additional healing modalities, including: sound, bodywork and/or therapeutic touch, water, affirmations and coaching. Some psychotherapeutic modalities are: Rebirthing, Transformational Breath® and Holotropic, Integrative and Shamanic Breathwork.
While many Conscious Connected Breathwork techniques have unique features and frameworks, the majority include 5 universal components; 1.) no pauses between the inhale and the exhale; 2.) active inhale into the belly with relaxed expansion of the chest; 3.) the exhale is passive (no forcing the air out); 4.) the inhale and exhale is done through the same channel (mouth or nose); 5.) an active intention that holds the breather, as well as the breath itself, as having an innate healing capacity.
Conscious Connected Breathwork is a conscious, intentional breathing pattern in which the inhale and the exhale are connected without any pauses. It can; 1.) create changes in your physiology (e.g. alkalinity vs. acidity); 2.) increase your awareness of Self; 3.) provide an opportunity for profound personal development; 4.) create altered states of consciousness. It can be practiced alone, in a group or in a one-on-one session with a breathworker.
The role of the breathworker is to; 1.) help you become aware of what is going on in your body; 2.) offer suggestions; 3.) help you maintain the breathing technique; 4.) observe you and provide general feedback; 5.) to alert you to signs of resistance; 6.) offer affirmations or remind you of your intention; 7.) suggest therapeutic touch or movement; 8.) mirror your breath or movements; 9.) help you to engage your body so that you can connect with your feelings, remain grounded and present.
Conscious Connected Breathwork Session in 2024

The next Conscious Connected Breathwork Session will be happening on January 19, February 16, March 16, April 20, May 18 and June 22, 2025, from 12:45 to 3:30 pm at 215 East 17th Ave. Vancouver, BC.
These sessions will be happening right after the dance. The price for the breathwork is $75 and you are welcome to attend the dance beforehand for free.
The breathwork event requires pre-registration.
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