Testimonials for COMING HOME – A Return to Self

Jelena’s 5-day immersive “Coming Home” workshop offered me an opportunity to explore where I needed to reconnect with my intuition and inner child self. She gently encourages a deep group connection and safe container. Between theory and movement she asks us to uncover what is needed and to look at how we show up in life. I now have more tools to continue that exploration on my own. I am very thankful and highly recommend this workshop as an investment to yourself and look forward to her next offering.” – Cylia W., Vancouver, BC.

“An experience of deep inner growth and finding a way home to my deepest, truest and most embodied self. The workshop was exciting, supportive and joyful. I would highly recommend this workshop to my loved ones.” – Danika, Vancouver, BC.

“I cannot say enough about how grateful I am to Jelena for this beautiful workshop. It was the perfect blend of theory and practice, and I have come out of it feeling an amazing sense of hope and knowledge and empowerment in continuing my personal growth journey. It is only through this comprehensive and thoughtful workshop that we can gain a truer sense of self. Thank you so much Jelena, for coming into my life.”  – Shelley B., Vancouver, BC.

“From the first moment I entered the room, I felt safe and welcomed. Nothing was forced, it was all an invitation to move deeper and as far as I was willing to take it. There was consent in every step and I appreciate that very much. I’m grateful for this opportunity to expand, grow and also heal. The following days and weeks have so far brought an awareness that wasn’t present before. The guidance that Jelena provided in a safe and comfortable environment is truly priceless and precious as it has opened me up to so much more clarity, growth and consciousness. Thank you!  This was and I continue to see it as a beautiful and pivotal experience in my life.” – Taraneh N., Vancouver, BC.

“It was a great self-exploration experience in a safe, empowering and supportive environment that Jelena created with a good balance of theory, experiential exercises and conscious movement components. It was a deep dive in re-examining my core beliefs, values, socio-cultural conditioning, life experiences, needs, fears, attachments and assumptions in order to determine their validity and rip away masks of self-deceptions that prevented my spiritual growth. The breathwork was very powerful and transformative experience, it opened the door of my inner world, and I connected with the parts of myself that I barely knew, the place inside where magic is still alive and gave a voice to the life within that longed to be lived, to be expressed. I realized that I am not any more at the mercy of life’s events because I have a choice and the opportunity to wake up, grow and heal even amid tragedy, fears, disappointments or loss. Thank you Jelena, for the inspiring, powerful and insightful week! “ – Ljubomir M., Vancouver, BC.

“In this workshop I got to experience how the value of body based awareness techniques put into action, can lead to a beautiful embodied state of inner calm and feeling at home with all parts of self.Thank you Jelena for curating with care the blend of theory, breathwork, movement and partner practices. It helped me to move past blockages and old belief systems  to discover connection with an exquisite place and power within.” – Irene, Vancouver, BC

“I have to confess that of all the counselling sessions, self-help methods and or reading I have done, your program/workshop was the one that touched me the most.” – Kuldip – Vancouver, BC.

“I highly recommend this workshop. It is a gift to Self. I expanded my conscious movement practice, received a safe, gentle and nurturing container of support in which to unpack and heal old wounds and I uncovered a deep well of safety within my authentic being that is now enriching every area of my life. Jelena is a master of her craft. A wise, patient, intuitive, inclusive and caring counsellor and teacher, she models the essence of her teachings- strength in vulnerability and power in authenticity. A fun combination of practical theory and hands-on learning, you’ll dance, laugh, cry, connect with others and feel more empowered than when you arrived.” – Mandara Lebovitz – Vancouver, Canada

“Most of my life, I suffered from social and performance anxiety which affected many aspects of my life. Jelena’s 5-day workshop shifted something for me. It helped me step out of hiding behind my fear of being seen and getting it wrong into a bigger version of myself, less afraid and willing to take risks. As my tendency to anxiously anticipate loosened its grip over me during the course of the workshop, I was able to stay in the present moment and share authentically with the group rather than plan in my head what to say. I allowed my disowned emotions like sadness and grief to flow and let myself be witnessed in the ‘messy’ act of crying which was a huge breakthrough for me. Jelena facilitated a beautiful healing experience for me during one of the practices. She worked her magic on me when I least expected it. I felt deeply held and nurtured by her gentle presence. Thank you, Jelena! My heart is full of gratitude for you, other workshop participants, and this deeply transformative shared experience.” – Anna – Vancouver, BC.

“Participating in Jelena’s workshop of embodies dancing including breath work allowed my body to communicate to me with out my ‘classic” critical self-defeating mindset. Though movement and intentional picked music I accessed tension and could release it for good. After the course I feel internally more at peace, more joyful ,and significant reduced negative self talk . SUCH a relief and now I am continuing this positive state my daily life. Jelena brings a wealth of expertise to you in a simple way that makes it accessible. If you ponder if you … Just go!” – Vanessa Wiebel, Vancouver, BC.

“I truly appreciate and have deep gratitude for the care and dedication that went into the program. I took the workshop because I am inspired by the authenticity that Jelena exudes in what she offers as a facilitator and counsellor. She holds space in such a gentle but clearly strong way and felt that I was willing to be vulnerable in the container she created. What I found was a map, a multitude of avenues that led to the authentic self through the mind, the body and raw emotion. The more vulnerable I felt the more appreciation I felt for myself and from the group. I look forward to using the tools offered here to navigate what seems like the muddy waters of who we seem to be, to a clearer and deeper ocean of who we actually are and can be.” – EdR

“ This workshop , like any of Jelena’s work, felt safe, allowing me to enter into the depth of work when tending to the soul and psyche. Her care in curating the content and experiential exercises we went through, made the workshop transformational. This transformation was palpable as we navigated each day, guided through her gentleness in holding space, offering clear reflection, and checking the pulse of the group as we moved together.” – Estephania Solis, Vancouver, BC.

“I recently attended Jelena’s personal growth workshop that exceeded my expectations. Her insightful sessions and engaging activities with somatics and inspirational music, provided valuable tools for self discovery. Jelena created a supportive environment, fostering meaningful connections among participants. I highly recommend this workshop for anyone seeking personal development and transformative experiences” – Kathleen – Vancouver, BC.