
Wisdom Counselling

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Jelena Marda RPC

Wisdom Counselling… To some degree we have all been asked to adapt to a dysfunctional system; a way of being or doing things that goes against our better judgment, our intuition, our innate values. That request may came from our family, culture, government, religion, relationship or job. What choices do we have when such big systems and […]


Therapeutic Benefits of Conscious Dance

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therapeutic benefits of conscious dance

THE THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF CONSCIOUS DANCE Dance Divine caters to a broad spectrum of people; some approach it from a therapeutic movement perspective and some simply enjoy free-style dancing. At the very least it’s an opportunity for us to get out of our heads and into a body-based awareness. And if we want to go a little deeper and […]


Wisdom of the Pause

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When this whole virus thing started, I  was remembering a longing I was getting over and over again last year. I  would trumpet things like, “bring on the next mini ice age!” because I wanted something (some existential threat) to stop us in our tracks, or at least slow us down. Listening to social media and […]


Breathwork + Conscious Movement | Starting in January 2020

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Breathwork and conscious movement

In addition to the weekly Sunday morning and Monday night conscious dance events, starting in January 2020 I will be offering a monthly conscious dance plus conscious connected breathwork session. This is a powerful embodiment combo, designed to get you out of your head and into a body-based awareness, helping you to; 1.) increase your self- awareness, 2.) connect with […]


Therapeutic Benefits of Conscious Dance

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therapeutic benefits of conscious dance

THE THERAPEUTIC BENEFITS OF CONSCIOUS DANCE Dance Divine caters to a broad spectrum of people; some approach it from a therapeutic movement perspective and some simply enjoy free-style dancing. At the very least it’s an opportunity for us to get out of our heads and into a body-based awareness. And if we want to go a little deeper and […]


Breathwork Facilitation Workshops & Private Sessions

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conscious connected breathwork vancouver

This Sunday I will be away in West Bend, Wisconsin, doing a breathwork facilitation training. I have been passionate about breathwork since my counsellor training program in 2003. I was genuinely awed at how a simple breath technique had the power to unlock and release the subconscious baggage I had been schlepping around as a generalized […]


Wisdom Counselling

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Jelena Marda RPC

Wisdom Counselling… To some degree we have all been asked to adapt to a dysfunctional system; a way of being or doing things that goes against our better judgment, our intuition, our innate values. That request may came from our family, culture, government, religion, relationship or job. What choices do we have when such big systems and […]