Classes Starting Up This Month!!


I hope this finds you well! It’s been a little while since I’ve been in touch. It’s been a busy time for me! My counselling practice is thriving and I feel very blessed to be fulfilled on so many levels.

Speaking of fulfilment, movement classes are back on! I’ve been literally dreaming about playing music again and dancing, and I’ve got some new music that is dying to be danced to.

According to the PHO guidelines, high-intensity exercise can start on June 15 and masks will be mandatory until July 1, when they become recommended but optional.  I’ll send out our start date, as well as the complete guidelines and link for pre-registration next week after I finish coordinating with my crew and the hall manager (I’m hoping to get a Monday night class going again!)

I feel excitement in the air…
I look forward to seeing you again soon!
